It’s 1 pm, the day of the results. Ayush was so tensed about his result.
Riya called Ayush to know his result.
Ayush hesitated to pick up the call.
Hardly, Ayush answered the call and said “Hello”.
“Ayush? Hello! What happened. What about your results?”
Ayush was unable to speak. He stayed calm.
Ayush didn’t score well and was too sorrowful. Ayush just told his result and stayed still. Riya noticed that and asked him. Are you okay! Ayush? Ayush still maintained silence.
“Why only me all the time?”
“What happened?” Riya asked with concern. For a moment Riya too kept soundless. She knew that Ayush was going through a lot ever since he lost his friend.
“I'm already in pain. And now my results. My parents are upset about my results.
I'm so depressed.”
Riya tried to console him.
Ayush used the word depressed. Is he depressed?
I think depression is a huge word. Many of us use this word depression(depressed) even when we are downhearted.
As in the case of Ayush feels depressed but he is regretful. Most of us use depressed even when we are woeful. Even of them use it for sympathy.
Are Depression and sadness are the same? How can we recognize this?
Absolutely not. Depression and sadness are two different things.
Commonly, sorrow is a human emotion but whereas depression is a mental disorder.
Sorrow can be experienced by any of us. The things happening in life which won’t meet expectations will surely disappoint and that is sadness. This may be even caused when you lost someone, financial crisis, rejection of your hard work.
When a person is experiencing unhappiness for a longer period and unable to come out of that mood. Then it is one of the symptoms for depression. All-day long that person will be in the same mood. They can’t even complete their daily routine. In most cases, people tend to be alone without speaking to no one. They face rejections for most of the things.
Nowadays, even school students are saying that they have gone through depression. Due to results. But I think it’s a kind of fear to face their parents, friends, and society. They are unable to accept things and move on.
From their perspective they are right. Because in this society no one will come forward to encourage your development or appreciate your success. But, at times even our closest people can’t help us. Some people discourage make us feel helpless. We will be all alone to deal with everything.
As much as possible stay motivated. If you are surrounded by most of the negative thoughts and people. Instead of listening to nonsense stuff from them, it's better to check your phone and find your way. stay with friends who will be constructive to you most of the time. Even some of the search says that sadness and depression can come with the people who love them the most, listening to positive things, etc. Lucky are those who have a pleasing environment.
Every problem has many solutions if not many At least a chance to solve the problem. Give them hope that can handle and come out of that affliction. No doctor can cure their sadness only their beloved one can be their doctor. No medicine can cure their wound except their love towards them. Even a lack of motivation may also lead to depression during sadness.
It’s all done and okay for now. Come out of all your pain. It’s your turn to raise.
Nikhila Puli.